Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Study and Sunsets.

It's study vacation time. Which means I have exams coming up and am not spending as much time studying as I could be.

One thing I have been doing is sitting out on the balcony of my apartment enjoying the view. It's the perfect place for food, tea, a camera and of course my bible.

Here's some pictures from tonight's sunset:

I'm almost finished the book of Ezekiel. Two things that have constantly stuck me in this book is Gods saving grace and his anger.

First, I do get uncomfortable reading about blood being spilled and bones everywhere and altars and such. God being angry and ridding the land of people. And God demanding bold for sins.

But God always has a plan with this and one thing he does is bring people back to life and he restores them to his lands. Though he is angry he is not angry for long, when his people repent. He even plans ahead for when they do repent because he knows they will.

So the constantly remarkable thing about God is his capacity for forgiveness through his amazing grace.

Grace = getting what we don't deserve.
Mercy = not getting what we do deserve.

Yes God carries out his anger and wrath in this book but he is also forgiving and gives plans for the restoration of his temple, his holy place where he will continue to dwell with his people.

He has also made it so we don't have to shed blood anymore to be right with him. And he did that through Jesus on the Cross. He took our punishment and our death upon himself, the only perfect sacrifice, the only sacrifice acceptable to God forever. Everlasting! No more blood!

All God demands is recognition, he created us after all. So doesn't he have the right to this?

I know that he does and I hope that you so to.  I hope that you can look at God and see how amazing he is and now down. After all, he is our creator and he's give us everything.

He made us to know and love Him and to be known and loved by him.

So bow down before our God and come to a right relationship with him. Because we can now after what Jesus has done! We don't need to hide or be shamed anymore because we are forgiven.

So please! Go and be the person he designed you to be!

Someone who loves him and lives under his rule!

Many blessings!

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