Thursday, 5 June 2014

2 Timothy 1:1-7

Today I began a study in Timothy. And much like the first few posts I did on this blog I am going to outline it for you!

This is what it looked like:

I began with this structure:
1. Questions
2. Observations
3. Big Ideas
4. Take it home

V3 - who are Pauls forefathers?
V4 - what/when/why was Timothy crying? Were these tears of grief or joy?
V5 - is this faith passed down through genetics (nature) or from his upbringing (nurture)?
V6 - reference to 1 Timothy 4:14 - what was the message here? Is the gift that of teaching?
How far apart were these letters written?

2. Observations 
V5 - it's interesting that sincere faith here is passed through women first.
V6 - laying on of hands -> appointed by church leaders but wih divine prophecy as well (reference to 1 Timothy 4:14). So his work has not only the approval of men but of God also?
V7 - is speaking of the Holy Spirit.

3. Big ideas
A letter written by an older man to a younger. They have avoid relationship - like that of a father and son.
Paul is remindingTimothy of where he has come from and what tool he has (the Holy Spirit) to help him do his work.
V6 - 'fan into flame the gift of God' -> the spark is still there and Paul is calling Timothy to action.
A reminder that it is God working through the spirit given to Timothy. This spirit is powerful outside of Timothy.
Power, love and self-discipline. Gods word is powerful, he gives Timothy the capacity to love and calls Timothy to exercise self-discipline to flee from sin and dwell on holy things. (Maybe overlapping things here and. It quiet right).

4. Take it home
We have the Holy Spirit just as Timothy did. We often need to be reminded, like Timothy, of where out origins lie, of who called us.
We have the same spirit of power, love and self-discipline. We should exercise these things. We should not be timid and remember it's God working through us with his spirit. Everything we have is God given!

So obviously I didn't answer my questions above. I am planning to take them to someone who is trained in the Bible and maybe check out my bible dictionary. But I hope this little study can be kind of instructional for your bible time. We don't always need to answer all our questions at once. God can teach us even when we don't know all the answers! 

If you have accepted the gift of Christ then you will have this spirit in you! So you hold power, love and the capacity for self-discipline.

Keep your noses in the word and go out to the world to share his love we hold. God is powerful so don't be timid! And feel blessed that God uses us to spread the message of his love and saving grace.

Many blessings!

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