Friday, 16 August 2013

Isaiah Chapter Four

So this is a short one... compared to the really long chapter that is to come.
Having a lazy night tonight so I'm using Biblegateway ->

Biblegateway is actually fantastic. A few months ago the bibles I used for my scripture class went missing (always a positive and a negative when bibles are stolen - obviously being used for some greater purpose than my class). I'd been battling with the girls and their laptops for week beforehand. They just wouldn't get off them, no matter when I said. So I figured (massive cliche here) 'if you can't beat them, join them.'
Why the government decided to give every high school student from 9th grade in NSW a laptop I don't know - they can access facebook and everything.
Anyway biblegateway is where we do our studies now. Which is good actually because these girls can access the bible wherever they are. I am showing them how to use the site and its good. Thank the lord of missing bibles and laptops.

Anyway... back to the purpose of this post. Isaiah chapter 4!
The heading I find in this short chapter is: A promise of Restoration!

However before this heading there's a little section about the social demographics of what is to come. The thought that so few men will be around that women will beg them for marriage. Which is odd really. Plus the women say that they can feed and provide for themselves. All the women want to be married is for the social status. So they 'won't be mocked as old maids'. This is a link back to the last chapter where the women were focused on looks. Their social status is more important than the marriage relationships. What a HORRIBLE idea!

A Promise of Restoration!
But in that day, the branch[a] of the Lord
    will be beautiful and glorious;
the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory
    of all who survive in Israel.
All who remain in Zion
    will be a holy people—
those who survive the destruction of Jerusalem
    and are recorded among the living.
The Lord will wash the filth from beautiful Zion[b]
    and cleanse Jerusalem of its bloodstains
    with the hot breath of fiery judgment.
Then the Lord will provide shade for Mount Zion
    and all who assemble there.
He will provide a canopy of cloud during the day
    and smoke and flaming fire at night,
    covering the glorious land.
It will be a shelter from daytime heat
    and a hiding place from storms and rain.

These verses are interesting. A different image from the last chapter. Like usual the Lord God provides an alternative to destruction. He provides a WAY OUT! 
His alternative again is to follow him. And he provides a picture of what that will look like. God will restore his Holy People. He will cleans those who remain to follow him. He will restore and provide for his people. The place of the lord will be a hiding place and a shelter.

How WONDERFUL to be sheltered by the Lord. To live and dwell under the Lord. To be cared for as we should be as followers of the Lord.


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